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TalentLink's Data Analytics Polaris Masterclass is thoughtfully curated by Mentor Freddie - a seasoned Data Scientist from and also the Director of Johnson and Johnson (the world's largest and most broadly based healthcare company).

In this Masterclass, you will understand the nature of Data Analytics with better insights into the career of a Data Analyst/Scientist. This Masterclass will allow you exposure to the commonly used Data Analytics toolkits, with assignments to be completed using programming languages such as SQL and Python. Knowledge and skills will be applied to Machine Learning to value-add to your learning experience.

Lesson begins on 29th July 2024.

Data Analytics
Trial Session

*Price in Singapore Dollars

Anchor 1


Structured Curriculum

Structured and practical learning on data analytics

Live Q&A Session

Live Q&A sessions to address individual problems

Flexible Schedule

Flexible learning schedule at your own pace

Solve Real Problem

Application of essential technical knowledge to real-life project



The top performers of the class will have job referral opportunity from us

Testimonials From the Past Trainees

“The course is clear and starts from the ground up. I find it very helpful.”

“The class so far is insightful, and I better understood the industry and possible career path. The presentation from the lecturer is clear and easy to follow.”

“For the first three weeks of the video, it is give a whole picture of the data analyst role and how the industry works. I think this is good.” 




  • Director of APAC Data Science at Johnson and Johnson

  • 10 years of experience in data science across internet, healthcare, consulting industries

  • Ex-BCG with focus on SEA TMT sectors

  • Ex-Garena data scientist in gaming

  • Ph.D. from Nanyang Technological University

Learning Objective

Master data analytics toolkits including SQL and Python.

Conduct advanced data visualization using Python. Use cutting-edge machine learning algorithms to perform predictive analysis.

Deliver professional business pitch on data analytics. Understand various career path for data analytics.

Snow Capped Mountains


Week 1: This week is about getting the basic ideas of what a data analytics career looks like in different industries and what are the transferable skill sets and background knowledge you need to have in order to start your career in data analytics. 

Week 2: This week contains a series of technically intensive videos that will cover the most popular data analytics tools - SQL and Python. We will learn the python basics, how to use python to do data processing and exploratory data analysis & visualization.  


Week 3: This week is about advanced analytics. You will have an overview of cutting-edge analytical methods and you are expected to use them to perform some advanced analytics tasks.

Week 4: This week is about using all the prior knowledge and applying them in the real battlefield, we will provide the real use cases in multiple industries with mock up dataset. You will learn that in real work, how data analytics professionals pitch their results to the business stakeholder to make a real impact on business performance.

Week 1

Video Lesson 1: Course overview and syllabus. 


Give opening speech, introduction of course structures & principles and expectations after the course

Video Lesson 2: Data analytics career and industrial overview.


Overview of the differences in data analytics roles, careers paths, background requirement and how data analytics looks like in major industries.

Video Lesson 3: Data analytics toolkits and foundational IT knowledge


Introduce the most commonly used data analytics toolkits and explain how these tools are being used by data analytics professionals

Video Lesson 4: SQL Basics

Database knowledge, concept of data models, SQL language syntax and examples.

Assignment 1


2024 Training Schedule

It has a hybrid learning schedule where pre-recorded video and live Q&A sessions will be arranged to answer any problems encountered. You may follow your own schedules but you have to finish all the course materials before deadline. It's compulsory to finish all assignment and videos to be eligible for the job referral opportunity.

Week 1 - Lesson 1 to Lesson 4 + Assignment 1
Week 2 - Lesson 5 & Lesson 6 + Assignment 2
Week 3 - Lesson 7 & Lesson 8 + Assignment 3
Week 4 - Lesson 9 + Assignment 4
Week 5 - Lesson 10 & Lesson 11 + Final Presentation

Project Details

Real-life project will be provided to apply the skillsets and we will use the report as the assessment for job referral opportunities. It aims to train the student the much needed skills as a Data Analyst.

Upon successful completion of Polaris project tasks, candidates will be awarded certificate of completion.
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You may include this into your resume as project experience and boost your chances in seeking for a job.


​Any Questions?

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